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Women Want to Be Lied To...Really?

As I sat and reflected on women who complained about being lied to and then did a look back into my past relationships, the question "do women want to be lied to" popped into my head. With that I started a Q & A with Saundra and Sassy. :-) as a writer you have to have these 'talks'!

1.  Women want to be lied to?
Sometimes women prefer a pretty lie to the ugly truth.Some men (not all) will tell women what they want to hear for his greater good… to shut her up or to sleep with her. This isn't a new trick, its as old as time, and women continue to be vulnerable to pretty lies.
2.  Women don’t listen because it doesn’t jive with what she wants to hear.
 It goes back to those questions ---about how does he feel about you, where is this relationship leading…etc.
 If a man tells you straight up “he is not looking for a relationship” and you sleep with him anyway, and then you wonder why he doesn’t feel the same way about you, you say he is wrong…he isn’t. He gave you a
choice & you chose to sleep w/him and attach those invisible “he is mine” strings.          
3.  How do you sound to a man?
Goes to Estrogen speak & Testosterone Listening- If you nag like his mother, then he is going to tune you out the same way he did Moms... Are you open minded & honest...Or are you duplicitous and manipulative
4.   Are you too strong for your own good?
Women are raised to be strong and independent, but sometimes women tend to “Lord” that over men they feel are weak, meek, or mild mannered. They take a good mans kindness for a weakness & ladies a good man is not a man that takes care of you financially, but one who can take care of you on 4 basic levels – mentally, emotionally, spiritually, & physically.
5.  Why do you think you know everything?
Intelligence and a good mind are attractive to men, but you don’t have to prove how smart you are 24/7. Sometimes you have to let him drive, and see where it leads, and if that is not an option for you, then he isn’t the man for you, because you don’t trust him enough to drive. You are still mired in your past relationship where you allowed THE WRONG MAN to drive. 
6.  Why are you listening to outsiders?
Don’t listen to other women in your life…mother, sister, cousin, aunts, friends as they will usually steer you wrong …they are all up in your ear and nevermind what he says you’re girls know best right? Your usually left alone, single, and lonely…while they run off to the husbands and/or boyfriends. Girlfriends often give advice but don’t follow it…Married women are sometimes envious of single women because of the freedom to  choose/come/go/ sleep with whom they like.
7.  Why are you sharing information with girlfriends/family
What I have learned over the years is that often we are more concerned with how others view our
relationship, rather than keeping the inner most intimate details to ourselves.

Saundra aka SassyScribe


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