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Relationship Deal Breakers

We all know folks out here tolerating alot of unnecessary bullshyt from their significant other...I sit back and look at them, saying to myself "Girl, you are good, because I wouldn't put up with that bullshyt," but you know what, someone will. Or is it more like someone has to? How many times have we heard that what one woman/man won't do another will? Too many times to count, right. But does that saying make situations right? I mean when someone does something that you don't like...betrays a trust, a confidence, cheats, steals, or lies etc...what makes some people forgive---over and over and over and many times does a person get a second chance?

Don't get me wrong, I feel that sometimes people make honest mistakes...but to continue to repeat the same mistake is not a mistake...its a problem, that obviously the person cannot fix on their own. When I think of deal breakers, I think like this...

Cheating and the person gets pregnant
Cheating and the person brings home a disease
Excessive Clubbing
Attending strip clubs daily
An abnormal addiction to porn
Same Gender Sex
Drug Abuse
Not being available - (Sassy doesn't buy into the notion that absence makes the heart grow fonder---absence makes Sassy forget!)
Telling me you have an STD or HIV/AIDS
Baby Mama Drama
Baby Daddy Drama
Family Drama
Too Many Kids
No Car
No Job
No Home
No Money
Oral Sex Nazi's - a person who refuses to perform oral sex (major deal breaker)
Small Dyck
Poor Hygiene
Married - finding out a person is married should always be a deal breaker
Dirty/Untidy Home - a little clutter is normal, but when it never gets cleaner and only more cluttered that is a problem
Taking someone other than your S.O. on vacation

Those are just a few...I'm sure you can think of more as we all have varying levels of toleration when it comes to actual deal breakers. What are some of your relationship deal breakers?



Anonymous said…
Sassy, This was beautiful and I almost cried because I am going through a point in my life where I don't think that my current 13 year relationship is one that I want to continue to be in. It's so hard to let go of someone you have bene loving for so long but the more time I am with him, the more I want to not be with him...if that makes sense. He is a good person BUT I feel I have outgrown him. We have been through alot in the past, mostly issues caused by his bad decisions, and recently everything he does seems to annoy me more and more. Yesterday, I actually took my journal and wrote down all the reasons why I should stay and all the reasons why I should go. Needless to say I had not reasons why I should stay yet it's so hard to let go and move on. Any advice would be great.
SassyScribe said…
Email me so we can talk...or listen to my show on Friday, July 6th at 6pm est, and call in to (646) 716-7414 and we can talk live on the air...take care!

SassyScribe said…
Sorry, the link is

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