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My Thoughts On Growing Old

Let's face it, as women age, and looks start to fade, we tend to recognize the signs of aging. The loss of youth that ties to our desirability of men and to the envy of other women. 

Remember when we were 16, and we couldn't wait to be 18. Then once we turned 18, it was a wish to be 21 (legal drinking/partying age), and then at 21, we wanted to be 25, what we considered to be ADULT-hood, and then the light shined on 30. For some, the thought of turning 30 literally gave you hives and cold sweats, because at 30 society said you were supposed to have achieved certain goals or at least be on the path to acquiring them. Like marriage and children and owning your own home. Then 35 loomed about, and you began to really access your life and all that you have/have not achieved professionally and personally, or more to the point you lamented on what you still had yet to do. By then, 40 is pressing firmly on your door and that is when the 'whoa is me's' set in. You really look at what you have or have not done, and then all of a sudden as you are reassessing and reevaluating your life, you realize that all of that that came before is what shaped you into the person that you are now. 

Trust me, I know what it feels like to not be able to read that fine print anymore! You know where your mind tells you, you have 20/20 vision, but that fine print that you have to stretch your arms far out in front of you to read , tells you that your eyes are aging, even if you feel you aren't. Your body is a little more robust than it used to, and Spanx is now your best friend. (smile) The specs of grey hair that peep out at you as you peer into the mirror, and the wrinkles that you call laugh lines, but in fact are wrinkles, denotes to society as aging, but I denote it as wisdom. 

See I don't view myself as aging in a bad way. I view it as having wisdom and insight into LIFE. I don't think about laugh lines, crows feet, or aching bones. I see and hear many women talk about "growing old as being a bitch" and that is true, because your body is definitely changing. Partly, in a good way because our libido really kicks in and partly in a  bad way, because the night sweats are a killer.

But through it all, I am more beautiful now at 43, than I ever was in my 20's or 30's, because in my twenties, I was still a girl trying to be a lady, and at thirty I was a lady learning to be a woman, and in my forties, I truly understand what being a woman means.  

Saundra aka SassyScribe


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