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Virtual Dating or VD - The Deadly Internet Dating Disease

Virtual Dating or VD is a term adopted by myself and the women in my circle when it comes to dating. Virtual Dating is the process of dating via email, instant message, and texting- only. It's the lazy man's way of attempting to procure a relationship with a woman, through various portal's of media, that are increasingly less personal.

There is nothing less personal than a text message, an email, or even an instant message--after you have gone through the initial process of the "getting to know you phase". Yes, these avenues are used when initially dealing with a person, as a getting to know you process. Some have used it for other nefarious reasons of sending photo's of there genitalia to prospective suitors. However, in the beginning, at times it is easier to say what you will via a less personal method, as it allows one to "take in" so to speak what you said. It is less invasive, because you do not see the reaction to someone saying "I have 6 kids by 4 different women/men"...the email lessens the shock and places the ball back in the other person's court.

Over the years, with the onslaught of numerous online dating websites and community chat rooms, women are finding that some men are not willing to put in the effort to date them, in a face-to-face situation. Rather they are adopting this deadly disease of internet VD.

What women have to do is put a stop to it. I am speaking from experience, as I have had male friends that I met online four to five years ago, and I have started receiving a spate of emails and text messages. AT first I ignored them, but the more I ignored them the more they came. So I finally had to respond "the time that you took to email and/or text me, you could've picked up the phone and called"...that statement stopped everything. The hook to this method of thinking is this...these types of men believe that if they can "date" via email, instant message, and text, they feel it will grant them easy access to the ass. For method's such as this, its always about the ass, and don't let men tell you different.

Think about that...remember how sites and so called experts are always saying that women want men who communicate, well texting, emails, and instant messages are forms of communication? Right? - WRONG! If a person, be it male or female are really interested, then nothing is going to stop them from calling you, as opposed to the VD method.

Yet this isn't a new phenomena, there are scores of women who are experiencing this and for whatever reason they are deluding themselves into believing that this is okay, because "she is busy" or doesn't like to talk on the phone, etc...all are excuses that allow the men to not have to spend any real time getting to know the real you. So while you allow this, so do 10 other women that he is doing the VD thing with, and all are unaware that this is his M.O. to get the ass. The question is, how long does he have to do this, before someone breaks?

Ladies if you want a date, then stop the madness...demand it and expect it, or else keep it moving, as he is not worth your time if the only time he can give you is 10 minutes of texting, emails, or instant messages.

Saundra aka SassyScribe


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