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Why I Intensely Dislike Insecure Women...My Friday Morning VENT!

This morning on the way to work I performed my usual routine of stopping at Starbucks for my morning joe and when I got back into my car, my phone was ringing. Of course I’m a woman with a huge purse so you all know that the phone is in the bottom of the bag and not in the cell phone slot inside. So as I rummage inside for the phone and finally get it, my hand mistakenly hit the answer button…so I say hello and a woman’s voice say’s “hello” so I say hello again and she says who is this…immediately I get offended. Did you or did you not call me???? So I hung up and when I did, I noticed the number was restricted…so I immediately think back to the last few weeks and the number of networking and social events I have attended and dissiminated my card. I have also had some conversations with individuals regarding business…yes the said individuals were and are men…so my immediate thought is “what insecure wife/girlfriend found my card, possibly viewed a bill, and/or simply went through her man’s call list and found a number she didn’t recognize???

Can you say IRRITATING! If you are that insecure about your man and your relationship that you feel you must check is posting on Twitter and Face Book…if you are that insecure that you feel it necessary to call a woman because of a number in his cell or on his bill or even from a business card in his pocket, then there is something wrong with you! I get tired of WOMEN’S INSECURITIES!!!!

I know I wrote about this a while back but it must be revisited….as I type this, my phone has received 3 more phones call from said restricted number, yet not one voice mail…hmmm, I am evil at times, so it makes me want to put a message on my phone discussing this insecurity, however, I can’t do it…my phone is a business phone…period! It’s not a hook up party line, its not a lets kick it line, its for business plain and simple. As a general rule I never answer anonymous, private, restricted, or any call whose number is blocked on my home phones or my cell phone.

I know whomever she is, will be able to read this, because my business card has all of my information on them…I’m very easy to find because I am all over the net, but what I will say to you is that your man is safe from me. One thing about me is that I do not bother and/or deal with married or involved men, just not my cup of tea and the reason for that is the phuckery that I encountered this morning with my phone blowing up over a perceived act created and flourishing in the mind of the insecure woman ringing my phone.

If it’s causing you this much distress…take it the source and the source is your man, otherwise I sincerely doubt if you want to tangle with me at all…trust!



Anonymous said…
AMEN. This is happened to me with the restricted phone calls over madness. I agree..take it up with the man.

Great post


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