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Mom & President Obama

Wassup! I know it’s been a minute since my last blog…hell, I am even noticing that I am not writing as much as I used to. But I just wanted to briefly share the emotional ride that I began on January 16, 2007

This past week was an exciting week for me because of two reasons. The first reason is that my mother turned 70 on Saturday, January 17th, and my sisters (Carian, Judy, and Stacey), my brother (Billy), and my father (Sam) all threw her one hellacious surprise birthday party. It also reminded me that some of my cousins and some very dear friends have most recently lost their mother, which made having the party for my mother more poignant for us. We are thankful and blessed that God has given her to us thus far. We rented a banquet room at Snyder’s Willow Grove Restaurant, and 115 guests dined on filet mignon and broiled crab cakes. My cousin’s Sheila, Stanley, Curry, Lisa, Karen, Tink, and Craig commissioned a cake for my mother…it was a snow white owl sitting on a branch atop a mound of snow…it was absolutely an amazing cake and since my mother love’s owls, the cake was a great fit. The party ended at 10pm, because Mom and most of their friends are old, and we had another party to go to.

Secondly, was the Inauguration of the First African American President as the 44th POTUS and the Black First Family into the White House. It is a special time, a moving time, for me as I cried all weekend, and as I write this I still tear up. I am not sure about many of you but this historical event is something my parent’s thought they would NEVER see. Despite what RFK said, and despite what MLK believed and spoke of in his I Have a Dream speech, they never believed it. They never thought that American’s, white, black, and all colors in between would be open minded enough to vote for a black man. Mr. President Obama inspires something in all of us, that at times you just can’t explain because it is a feeling that you have inside. My friend is always mocking me and asking me why do I like him so, and my explanation is that he gives me hope for a better world. Hope for a more tolerant world, a more understanding and giving world, and that is the world I want my great nieces and nephews aka my babies to grow up in. To flourish and succeed in…that word hope is on the words of a lot of people and to me, that is what President Obama (man, I get chills saying it…but I love saying it) represents for me.



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