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Virginity- Was It Worth Losing?

Was your virginity worth losing...what are your thoughts?

Do you or do you not regret your first experience...Your thoughts...
I actually thought about this question alot during my self imposed made me think about my own sexual history and it sparked the thoughts of regrets, fear, sadness, happiness, freakiness, wicked fun, monogomy, and at times blatant promiscuity...It allowed me to put sex in perspective...what it meant to me emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically...and you know the sad part is that there were a few doors I wanted to knock on and ask for my pussy back, but that was unfair, because I gave it away and I can put that down to youthful trangressions...but TODAY there are still alot of women trying to knock on doors asking for their pussy back. I mean at what age do we become more discerning about who we are going to phuck? When do we sit back and think about it...Men may not have this thought as much as women, but I am sure there are some women that brothers had to hit late in the wee hours of the morning so as not to be seen my anyone...not even a with that said...

I will go I look back to the actual time that I lost it and to the present...I do regret giving it away so very early and to such an underserving in that respect I do regret it...and there are other situations in my life that I regret giving it to the person moreso the actual act. So yes, its a double-edged sword as I do regret some instances as opposed to others. Other experiences allowed me to be more open to trying new and different things sexually and that I don't regret...but in some instances I look back to my younger years and cringe...and I think to myself "I phucked that"...dayum!" And you can read this and think whatever you wish, but I know out of all of the millions of folks on myspace I know I am not the only one who has ever had these thoughts...



Anonymous said…

I've just discovered your blog. Awesome stuff!

Anyway, I regret losing my virginity all the freaking time. I did it just to prove I could. I wanted to be the first in my clique of friends to do it (and I was), but looking back I have no idea why.

Not to mention that it sucked! He had no idea what he was doing...

I'll be linking to your blog once my blogroll service is back in order. I'll be reading :D
SassyScribe said…
Thank you E.D. Beale...

I appreciate your comments and I love the fact that you were open and honest enough to state that peer pressure was the reason why you did it...

I hope you add me to your list of followers once your blog returns and I will do the same...

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