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The Church

Tomorrow I am doing a show on church folks and how their hypocritical stance on issues is pissing me off! First of all, regarding the Black church, there are inherent and systemic problems from how the money is handled to the issue of the high number of choir directors that are gay…

I know some folks are gonna get their panties in a bunch over this…but I have been witness to folks shouting AMEN at 11:03 am each and every Sunday and those same “Christians” are outside saying “did you see what that Bitch had on”…I’m like WTF…look I sit in church and my mind is thinking about a sex scene for a book or even having sex…I’m not saying that its right, but I am not one of those folks going around bragging about being “saved” yet having “unsaved” actions.

I know how hard it is to walk the walk…to stay on the straight and narrow…but I also know that although my mind may not be right at times…my heart is…so when I hear about pastors having children out of wedlock or that choir members are fucking one another like mad I have to sit back and say WOW these are the same motherfuckers that are trying to get me to Jesus when IMO they don’t even sound and/or act like they know him for themselves…

I don’t even want to get started on the number of women who are going to church looking for a “good man”…what makes him good? Because he attends church? Yeah right, I’ve seen how that has affected plenty of relationships…as a friend of mind stated “Going to Church doesn’t make you a Christian, any more than standing in your garage makes you a car”…why is it that people that are in church can’t open up and be real about their feelings. I get the sense that some of them are acting a part. As if society and/or the black community needs them to act a certain way.

I remember attending a church of a pastor here in Pasadena who has a church and for 3 weeks straight he preached about homosexuals and how hell and damnation would befall them yada yada yada…and when we were at dinner at a mutual friend…I called him out on it…it got so quiet you could hear a rat piss on cotton…and I asked him why are you so negative in your sermons about homosexuals yet you have yet to touch on the fact that most of your congregation is committing adultery. You haven’t touched on nor skirted around it…you have completely ignored it…and he stuttered…I had to ask it because the folks sitting at the dinner table were the ones in his congregation and also whose husbands were taking “favors” from women other than their wives…

See I want a spiritual leader to touch on topics dealing with our community…they rarely talk about STD’s, Teen Pregnancy, Crime, AIDS, Adultery, Single Parent Household’s----oh but you start talking about homosexuality and Hip Hop well then they will espouse about that ad infinitum…

There are headlines all over…check out these…

Mega Church – Mega Sex Scandal
Baltimore Church -

Not to mention Juanita Bynum and her numerous ass whippings she supposedly took from her husband…or Minister JHB here in Bmore who supposedly has numerous children outside of his marriage…

Like I said, at times I am straight pissed, slightly conflicted and a little unsure as to whether or not Heathens & Christians can coexist? Should the church talk about sex or should there be a separation of the two?


Anonymous said…
i just want to say amen, amen, amen. it is a great blog that needs to be told. no sin is greater than another in the eyes of the Lord.i tell my friends that all the time so i quite agree with you. yes christians have thoughts of lust, pride, greed, insecurity just because you go to church doesn't immune you to thoughts. it is a process. when we are honest with people an let them know just because you got saved doesn't mean thoughts and sin disappear. when you are honest and show people you are a work in progress they can respect you more.
SassyScribe said…
Thanks Isaac for being a reader of my blogs!

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