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Men & Women Are "Built" Differently

First off I want to say, this is the second time I had to write this because my PC phucked up, so it isn't flowing as good as the first one, but you get the meaning...sorry to those that may think this random or whatever....but by now...I can't remember a phucking word of the first other bloggers get that...that they write something and two seconds later they can't remember what it is they said...well this blog is a result of that illness....SassyScribe

"Women are just not cut out for one night stands and those that are, are whores," stated a young woman at one of my Grown & Sexy w/Sassy Discussions. "Women are not built like men and cannot go around having casual sex or one night stands." are my thoughts on this...

First off, society does view a man(whore) differently than they do a women(whore) can have random casual sex with as many women as they choose, and no one says a can have sex with a woman and feel absolutely nothing for that woman...other than the fact she got his dyck hard, there is no other emotion tied to that act...whereas for women, for some the emotions were there before the act and for others...its just an act...she doesn't care if you respect her in the morning or not...she isn't concerned about the call back, she isn't concerned whether or not she will see you again...for her it, it was just sex...(well maybe if he was good, she has to do it a second time, because the first time may have been a fluke...LMAO)

Some women are not able to separate their emotions from sex. For some, and I include this young woman, sex is so deeply entrenched in their emotions that they cannot seperate the two...whereas for some women they have the ability to have random/casual sex or one night stands, or even several one night stands without their emotions ever being involved.

Some women can and have had emotionless sex, the time they felt a need to be phucked...maybe it was a stress reliever and he was there, maybe it was just because it was Monday and her pussy got wet....whereas others believe that its a defense mechanism where a woman has tricked herself into the mindset and/or that she has trained herself to feel this way or have this belief because its easier to phuck random men...its easier to not "wait for the shoe to drop" or "its easier to do a man I know I will never develop feelings for" because of past hurt, pain, and heartache...for some it is easier to detach their emotions from a man because it aleviates the aspect of them possibly getting hurt...hmmm

Some women are open and liberated enough sexually to understand and not be afraid to act upon their wants, needs, and desires...she knows herself and is sexually aware, open and uninhibited enough that she can do whomever, whenever, whereever, however...yet for some this mindset may appear whorish, slutty, nasty, and the young woman stated....women that have one night stands are whores...hmmmm

It may sound crass to some, but women know from the moment they meet/see a man whether or not she will phuck him...its in his S W A G G E R...not only do we as women know that we would phuck him, we have already in our minds figured out how we would let him and taking it one step further you know whether or not you would perform oral and if so, whether or not it would be with or without a condom...

In continued conversations with this young woman, you can glean that a man has muddied her thoughts and is making her question her lovemaking abilities....either way, you can see that for her sex is so deeply tied to her emotions that the thought of sleeping with a random man that she may never see and/or develop a deeper relationship with is anethema to can tell from the questions that she asks, that most women instinctivly know, she doesn't...maybe the man she was with told her she didn't quite get him there, or didn't quite do it right...whomever he was this beautiful young woman does not like sex and feels that sex should only be done with someone you are in love with...not lust, not like, but love...see this woman is not built for casual/random/one night stand sex...this woman is truly of the belief the sex includes a deeper meaninful relationship...hmmmmm

Maybe the women I know are different...hell, I know that I am different, but not different enough to know that yes, men and women are built differently in everyway, hell aren't we the nurtures...? Aren't we the "emotional" ones...?

This one brings so many questions to mind...but here are a you believe that men and women are built differently when it comes to you think an uninhibited woman is a you think women that have casual sex or one night stands are using this as a defense mechanism to stave off the ills of being hurt?



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