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The KKK Disbands: Leaves Their Job To Black Folks (satire)

This was forwarded to me by a friend...the author is my friend stated "But true on so many levels..." I am interested in your thoughts/comments on this...
The KKK leader stepped to the podium, his hood lowered around his shoulders and a look of disgust on his face. He said, 'Sorry guys but this will be our last meeting; we're going out of business,' A member stood up in back. 'But why sir?'

The leader sighed, 'Well, reverend, the Blacks are doing a better job getting rid of themselves than we ever did, so we are no longer needed,' There were rumblings and protest. The leader raised his hand to silence the Klan members, and said, 'Their rap music says more vile things about Black women than we ever thought of.'

The members grudgingly nodded in approval. The Imperial Dragon continued: 'And their women write books and make songs that demean black men better than my two speech writers ever could, looking down at two men seated in front who lowered their heads.

'They shoot each other constantly ', he continued;' And as a group, they spend a huge amounts of money on cars, liquor, that stuff they call bling bling, and the proliferation of rap music -- as they talk about all that in their magazines -- and nobody needs us to talk about how a lot of their sorry butts keep playing the race and victim cards while complaining that other groups are surpassing them in economic development and supposedly getting more attention in schools. Hell, they even support a so-called 'Black Hair' DVD that a white man is making money on, in four sequels at $20.00 a pop.'

They talk about how Koreans have taken over the 'black hair' industry, without acknowledging that Black entrepreneurs had 100 years to get a monopoly or entrenchment in the industry that Madam C.J Walker founded 100 years ago, but got out-hustled and out-strategized, while spending investment capital elsewhere. Let's face it, they're being hoisted by their own petards.'!

Some members went looking for dictionaries, while most members nodded as it hit them that their job was finished; that Blacks had become their own worst enemy.

The leader shook his head. 'It's time to go back to our regular lives as policemen, judges and congressmen, and leave the business of getting rid of Blacks to Blacks. They are just better at it than us,' He then threw his hood on the ground and walked off the stage. Thus ended the last KKK meeting.
Its funny, because I was just telling a friend that the Black community cannot blame all of their ills on "the man" that at some point our people have to become responsible for the BS that is taking place in our neighborhoods. Parents need to get back to the business of parenting...period. Its as if they are afraid to discipline their children for fear that the child may not "like" them...hell they don't like you anyway, so who don't truly relate and develop a friendship with your child until they become of age and have a better understanding of what it means to be an adult. But when they are children, treat them as such...I am not saying disrespect them as a person, but a child is a child.

If you look around at the urban areas we have the most depreciable assets of any race...most notably on our bodies or parked on the street in front of our homes or apartments. Jealousy tears our community apart...just look at the senseless death of Sean Taylor, killed because he had too much...or the cab driver that was killed for his money and only at forty cents on him...there were no white men pulling the trigger it was a black man in most cases and yet each and every time a brother committs a crime some family member is on TV proclaiming how he was a good person, etc...if he was a good person he wouldn't have been robbing and stealing...good people don't do that.

I don't think this is an issue for politicians because most of the politicians do not live, look like, or have the understanding of what it is that needs to be done to correct the ills of our community. NO I don't have the solutions either, but I don't think this is something that can be legistlated or have policies written up...but it may take a more grassroots hands-on community organizer to start the process...I just know, that although this is a satirical piece...there is some truth in it...



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