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Third Eye & Intuition...Do You Trust It?

Over the past weekend, I received alot of calls from friends going through various relationship issues and drama...but the underlying factor with all of them was trusting their third eye. You know that gut feeling you get when something is just not quite right...I N T U I T I O N.

Do you trust your intuition? Has it ever led you astry? Down the wrong path? Have you ever felt that something just wasn't what they seemed, because you had this gut wrenching intuition that just wouldn't let go? It held you in its grips and although you felt something was wrong with every fiber of your being, you had to let it go because of lack of evidence or just plain insecurity and paranoia on your part?

Some of the situations that I was made aware of, as a woman I guess I could see how the women would think that something was amiss...the brothers did admit to not answering all phone calls and "going dark" (incommunicado) which could make an insecure woman's intuition to over react. Sometimes its not always a person of the opposite sex, it could be just that they need time to themselves...I know I go dark on folks quick, when I get ready to chill...but one needs to tread carefully when thinking that something is right...ask questions, observe the habits and behavior and then as hard as it may sound remove the emotions (which is hard for us women, we are emotional creatures) and inject some logic and reasoning with your issue.

I have to admit that my intuition has been off once or twice in the past...not wrong, just off...BUT I believe in my intuition and I am understanding my third eye even more...I'm wondering, do you believe in intuition and third eyes? Do you trust yours...



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