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Sassy Entertainment Show Schedule for September & October


Thursday, September 6th @ 9pm - Bad Credit is the bane of society...Best selling author Harrine Freeman, of "HOW TO GET OUT OF DEBT". will discuss ways to eliminate debt...and put you on the path to financial freedom.

Thursday, Septemer 13th @9pm - Women's Role in Relationships- Traditional vs. Modern Relationships - Modern women don't cook, traditional women do...traditional women knew their role and place, modern women continue to buck the system. Do you feel that the modern relationships of today are better or worse than the traditional relationships of the past?

Thursday, September 20th @8pm (Special Time) - Womens Health - Suffer from Endometreosis or Fibroid Tumors...listen in to my special guest panelist Dr. John A Simon, M.D. of George Washington University as answers your questions and emails, as well as discuss causes and treatment ...

Thursday, September 27th @9pm - Women Entrepeneurs...Special Guest Stephanie Popular will discuss how to set up a non profit organization and also discuss W.E.C.A.R.E. her own non profit efforts in Baltimore...

Thursday, October 4th @9pm - Healthy Body Tips- Talk to Deanna Dewitt and discuss the benefits of having an herbal body wrap...

Thursday, October 11th @9pm - Sexing the it tabu or a necessary evil in the realm of dating as we know it...Do you, have you, or would you have sex with an ex? WHY?

Check out the archive shows ...don't forget to tune in each and every Thursday at 9pm for REAL TALK w/SASSYSCRIBE Call in 646-716-7414


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