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Black Women & Marriage

Trolling the internet I found a comment made by a gentleman stating that black women were not raised to be wives. I had to stop and think about that, but as much as I hate to admit it, I think he has a point...I didn't say he was right, I said he has a point. Now, are men raised to be husbands? Do they understand and recognise what it takes to for a woman to "cleave unto him". Does she understand what if means?

According to this gentlemen, black women were raised to believe that men are not about anything. That you should get all that you can financially from that man while you can...that women are taught to play men before he can play her. Falling back on old sayings, like nevet let your left hand know what your right hand is doing or make he pay girl.

Is it because that some sisters were raised with the mentality that brothers ain't about anything and that brothers aren't to be trusted? I mean you hear all the time that a man will be whatever it is you tell him you want him to be. In other words when you meet a man and give him your list of likes and dislikes then that man will become that which you seek. There has to be an air of mystery and aloofness surrounding you when you meet a man. I know some of you are thinking that you play hard to get and ain't get got, but damn that! If he is really into you and want you, then he will pursue you. Don't let him tell you about the other women, if that is the case then he was never into you, but just wanting to get INTO you...feel me.

As I read further into this man's perspective on women he stated the following as some of the contributing factors as to why...

"Subconciosuly black women CHOOSE men that they can control.....which is going to be the weaker type of man. This also explains why young black women HAVE NO PROBLEM having children with random guys. The women don't expect to do any better and don't put themselves in a position to be married. Take any college in the USA. Examine the behavior of black women vs white women. The black women will continue to date the thug back home, or the athlete who is not going to make the league, or the new drug dealer on the block. The white women have there fair share of fun the first few years, don't get me wrong. But around that junior year a light goes off in white hoes minds.... to do to lock down a white boy that has a future.

In black women's late 20's early 30's the INDPENDENT mentallity really fucks them over... Cuz now they are looking for a half way decent brother to deal with... but they have baggage and don't know how to position themselves to be considered "wife material" by black men. Think about how distrustful black women are of black men. Black women moreso than any other race make a man PROVE to them that he is worthy to date them, because inheritently expect men to be shit. This men are shit philosophy is ironic...when as stated before black women "celebrate" black men that aint worth shitBlack women like to do stupid things to "test" a black man when they get a good one.

Then a large number of black women can not "accept" a man as being head of a relationship, they constantly challenge that authority. Because black women moreso have not seen successful relationships or expereienced them..... so they don't really understand how to be in one. That is why I cringe when I hear young black women say that "they don't want to cook for a man... because they work too." That single statement shows that these women don't understand division of labor in a relaitonship, nor do they UNDERSTAND what men LOOK for in a wife.Any black man with options does not want to put up with all of that. Unfortunately you have the more "advantaged group of young black men" looking to women who are more adept at being wives, and don't have all the baggage."

Do you think he has a point? Is this attitude one of the myriad of reasons as to why sisters aren't married? Are we choosing the wrong type of man or is it that brothers just want an easier way out, so they choose young or white...

I'm interested in your thoughts...



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