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Flirtatious Behavior

I was trolling through the internet and ran across a blog posted by a female and she was talking about flirtatious behavior and how upsetting it was to her.

I am a consummate flirt. I flirt with my eyes, my lips, my hands, my hair, hell, my entire body is used as a flirtation device- LOL...but this woman was extremely bitter. Before I go any futher we all now it stemmed from her man and his relationship with other women. She does't like the fact that he has the female friends and on top of that believes that the female friends are flirting with her man. As I read the blog, I didn't see bitterness as much as her insecurities stood out.

Personally, I don't see any true and/or malicious harm in flirting, if its harmless and we all know there is a difference between harmless flirting and straight up putting it out there that that person could "catch it on a daily". Think about the men and women you work with, that you flirt with, that you may make off color comments to or relate a risque joke...think about, because in a way its all flirting in some form or fashion. Actually, I responded to the blog and my comment was deleted...which was even funnier.

See here is the thing, and if you have been reading my blogs you know that I have said this before. If no woman finds my man attractive or if no man finds your woman attractive then you are dating/married to an individual from the planet Mudduckeon- nee a Mud Duck...and who wants that?!!?!??! I mean he may not be as fine as Shemar Moore, Idris Elba, or Morris Chestnut, and she may not be as gorgeous as Halle, Beyonce, or Eva Mendez, but you damn sure don't want them looking like Flav or MiMi from "The Drew Carey Show".

I say that to say, there is nothing wrong with a little harmless flirting...but then that is my opinion. What do you flirtatious behavior harmful to your relationship?



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