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Relationship Drama

I have noticed that some people thrive on drama. You ever notice that when you meet someone and they say they are drama free, and as you get to know them they have more drama than your mama? I tend to not want to cover everyone with the same blanket, but when folks tell me they live a drama free life, I tend not to believe may be wrong but thats me. You may be different.

I notice that there is still alot of drama going on in relationships. I see it daily in the emails that I get. I see it in the relationships of my friends and former friends and lovers. I see that some people cannot function on a daily basis unless they have a mountain of drama in their lives. See, drama is exiting, and gives you something to talk about and/or discuss. It gives some folks lives purpose and meaning...but to me its uncalled for and unnecessary.

Have you ever noticed that the nicer you are to a person the more they shyt on you, yet the meaner you are to a person the more they want to do for you? All of this is drama and its roots are in dishonesty...when people are honest with one another their relationshisp tend to run smoothly, but when they are dishonest, we have alot of unnecessary drama.

In my last discussion I talked about "The Myth of Honesty in Relationships", and it was given to me by a friend who is dealing with someone that isn't honest. Now this baffles me because I had a recent conversation with this person and they went on and on about a woman that used to be his, isn't his, but could possibly, maybe, almost, kinda ,sorta, could be his again...LOL confusing I know!

From the conversation this woman has no job, no car, no license...nothing, so as a woman I'm thinking either her head is blazing or her coochie clamps like a vice grip milking his dyck for all its worth?!?!?! I mean help me out if I am wrong, but at forty something, I figured that everyone wanted someone that brings something to the table...other than some ass. I mean he used to constantly say that he could get ass anytime and that he has had a large number of sexual partners, so if that is the case why is he tripping over this woman that is lying to him and has nothing to offer. Now he wouldn't admit that he stills loves her, but you know he called Sassy and that was the wrong thing to do. I know that he is in love with her, but sometimes love isn't enough.

He did not like that I had to say...I could sense his lips tensing up as I delivered my words. But that didn't matter, don't ask me to not be frank if that isn't what you want.

I told him that this girls game is tight, because she is running game on him and he won't allow himself to see it. Think about this...she has nothing to offer you and yet you want her anyway. You are determined to settle down with this woman, because she is whom you want in your life. When I asked what were her endearing qualities, if any, he stated "her ability to be caring" well I don't see that happening now. I mean she has this brother willing to marry and her settle down, all the while knowing that in the back of his mind its not going to work. Besides her continual lying, inability to reason, and constant lack of logical thinking, they aren't on the same team...he is wearing a football uniform and she is in a baseball uniform...two different games with different rules and different plays.

Note that he didn't really like what I had to say, but I didn't care. He asked Sassy....LOL
I don't understand how people continue to permit drama into their lives. My circle/group of friends are in their late 30's early-to mid 40's and yet and still some of them still have D R A M A! Its ridiculous!

Here I see a good man, that is kind, caring, and considerate and I have to lump him in the same the group as women that I know that refuse to remove themselves from dramatic individuals and situations.

Is it a point of age that makes us do what we do? As we get older men as well as women get lonely and they too want a companion to share their senior years with. No one wants to die alone...people can say what they want...but no one wants to be alone...not forever! Right now may be okay, as some are still establishing themselves in their careers, but in ten years when I am 50 I know that I don't want to be alone, nor do I want to be tolerated and deal with drama.

What I cannot fathom is why are we so willing to tie ourselves to people who don't want to be tied to us? Are we really that willing to sit back and be tolerated?

Was I wrong for telling him what I said...what would you have said?



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