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Myth of Honesty With Self

In a previous blog I touched on the myth of honesty in relationships, but what about the myth of honesty we have with self? Are you totally honest with yourself? About yourself? To yourself? You know for some, the lack of honesty is the reason for the myriad of problems currently in their life. You my friend are the drama person I talked about in a previous blog, because you are not honest. Dishonesty breeds contempt and ultimately brings drama.

How many people do you know that are driving luxury vehicles parked in the parking lot of an apartment complex? The same amount of money you put in that car, could've been invested in a home. What about the expensive homes folks have with the latest gadgets, that are living so close to the brink to impress that one missed check and they could be in foreclosure. Or the designer clothes and jewelry they have on, and all of their bills are late and all the while they are lying about everything. I think at times people are so intent on impressing others with their material items that they fail to remember that the clothes, money, car, homes do not make the person. And we lie to ourselves with the mindset that if I make more money, get a better car, get a bigger house, buy fancier clothes, that this will make us happy. But it won't.

Do you get in your own way at times? Are you honest about your status? Are you honest about yourself? Why is it that we say one thing and turn around do the exact opposite? There are so many questions that at times there seems to no answer, but reality of the situation is that the answers lie within.

If you are not honest with yourself, about your looks, appearance, financial health, physical health...etc, the dishonesty spills over into every other aspect of your life.

In the realm of dating, there are so many people lying about their status. Do you find that no one is actually single...they are/were mending broken hearts, they are/were in relationships that were rocky, but instead of leaving wanted to test the waters so to speak...lying about the number of children they have, lying about their height, weight, looks, everything... if you lie about little things, and if you lie about your kids, Lord knows the chances of your lying about big things are 150%!

There appears to be no accountablity for people. They would rather lie than be the simplest of questions...are you single is a yes or no answer. There are no buts, there are no "my situation is complicated" they could've saved themselves the oxygen and just said no.

One would hope that as one grows and matures, that their need and desire for honesty is as important to them as ensuring that their health is good. Or that their children are safe...but that is not the case.

In the immortal words of Grumpy, "people, would rather hear a pretty lie, rather than the ugly truth." Which is true, because they same people that are lying to you, are in turn, lying to themselves.

The one thing that people can't take from you is your should never be for sale and you should never allow it to be comprised, regardless of the person and/or situation.

To thine ownself be true!



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