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The Island of Desperate Women

I have a vent! I am so sick and damn tired of hearing about "The Island" know the one...the one that has been around since the dawn of time...The I of D W= the Island of Desperate/Dumb Women.

What makes a woman desperate/dumb? Is it want, need, or a desire to be in a relationship? Is it a burning sensation within her that makes her want to have the attentions of a man? Is it low/no self-esteem? Is it dissatisfaction with all aspects of her life? Is it lack of having a father figure growing up?

I think about these questions, each and everytime I hear of a desperate act(s) of women. Too often I see and hear of women chasing men down. Calling them a hundred times! Sending various emails and text messages. Constantly asking them out, wanting to do things with them, to go places...hell even begging them for sex! SEX! Before you all get on me, I have no problem asking a man out...I will go dutch and/or pay for the meal/movies, whatever. I am of the mind set that if I ask you to go anywhere, then the night/day/weekend, whatever the excursion is on ME!

I think the easiest example of a desparate or dumb woman is:

A woman is interested in a man, they set a date, and then when the day comes, he stands her up. Short of a few texted messages or emails...all sexually charged, etc, there is virtually no communication between the two, is where the desperation comes stands her up, and she has SEX with him.

Hey, I am all for having sex...I love it, eventhough I haven't had it in a minute, I understand , recognize, and love sex. My issue is that if he didn't worry enough to at least cancel on me, no way in hell, would he be able to smell me let alone phuck me. I don't know about other women, but I do know this...and yes I have been stood up before, but never have I been stood up by a man and turned around and gave him some azz! The only thing he could do for me is lick the crack of my...well you get the picture. Like I said, I have been stood up, that in turn tells me one thing...He wasn't into me...I know that life happens, but hey, lets face it the truth of the matter is he just wasn't feeling me. The mistake most men make that stand me up, is the belief that I will entertain any form of conversation and/or contact. One he stands me up, its a wrap...but hey, I haven't been on vacation to that island in many moons.

I guess, at least I hope with age comes wisdom...I like to think that I am smarter, I know I am a slightly cynical, a little hardened...but I am not desparate. What do you think about "The Island"? How many women do you know of that are still there? Personally, I can name need to call them out here, they know who they are...LOL



Anonymous said…
Hey Sassy,
I think the big thing is that most brotha's can smell these desperate Sistah's a mile away. Unfortunately I think that as long as there are men and women on this earth that this type of crap will always come into play. That "Island" will never be deserted sadly to say!!

Peace & Love,
SassyScribe said…
You know BrutBrut, you're so right...there are alot of women still on this island. I get emails from women wanting advice and sometimes it gets disheartening to hear the things that they are willing to go through just to say they have a man.

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