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Women & Men ---So Strange

I have been sitting back and reviewing some of my topics and I am cracking the hell up. Women and Men are so very strange! Its almost similar to what they teach you in diversity classes, that underneath the outside differences, on the inside we all want the same things...but that may work for the races, but does it work for men and women?

I see women trying to hold on to men for dear life. In my humble opinion, they meet men, and lets be honest women in the late 30's and above are not looking for too many men friends. I mean, when a woman initially meets a man, she begins to"size" him up as a potential, then once they have conversation, she will either move on, or she will stick around because of the potential that she sees. Now on the other hand, this man just met a woman and he might be lucky enough to have sex with her...that is as far as he has thought. He ain't worried about later on the next day or next week with her...he is in the moment. The here and now! While she, if she is digging him as already had the first anniversary, holiday, and wedding all within five minutes! LOL I know it sounds crazy but its true...

I had a conversation with a friend this morning and we basically said the same things. That you will know the person (that ONE) and until then, there is no need to continue to ask the man/woman what it is they are looking for, because if that person is you, then they will let you know. This conversation stemmed from a scenario of a woman dating a man for 6 years and she still had no idea as to her position in his life. When I heard the story, I said to myself, if you have to ask then you know the answer. It sounds like to me that she is hanging around waiting for him change, stop running, or whatever and then I assume she thinks he is going to magically realise that she has waited for him...whatever! I saw first hand this past year with a relative whose rotation list of women was notorious in the family. This man was a bachelor for years (well over 30- he was divorced), very smooth, suave, debonair, charming, sophisticated...all that, had women at his beck and call, but when he met his current wife- he introduced her as such to the family. That's when WE knew he wasn't playing and they are living happily ever after...this man is in his mid 50's and ran for he knew what he wanted the minute he met her!

So is it me...or are women hanging on for dear life in the hopes that a man that is undecided will change his mind about her?



Anonymous said…
We are back to my (self-esteem response) again on this one Sass! Yes, we men know what we want and who we like for the most part! I also think that women do also. I think this can work both ways because I have definitely "swetted" a few Sistah's in my day only to be left heartbroken in the end! If we introduce you to our family at all or as "the one", then take it to heart. If you don't get an introduction to anybody especially the family then definitely move on...

Peace & Love,
SassyScribe said…
I can tell you this much...I haven't introduced an of the men friends that I have to my parents. They may meet my girlfriend's but that's about it...meeting the parents means I'm digging u! I've known men that take every woman they meet home because it isn't that serious of a situation to him but they fail to see that SHE thinks its rather significant.

Anonymous said…
My point exactly,
I don't know too many folks that are willing to take their parents or family on an emotional roller coster like that, especially if your parents have set a great "relationship" example for you to model. I know that mine did. As a matter of fact, most of my older kin-folk did. After all, breakups put everybody in a bad spot not just the two involved. My family experienced this with my Sisters ex-fiance a while back. We all love him till this day but he can't really come around because she is married to somebody else that we all love very much as well....Anyway, I think that we would like for our folks to imagine that we have learned something about love and relationships from them over the years. This would probably help us avoid a lot of unnecessary mistakes that life is going to throw at us anyway..LOL

Peace & Love,

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