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Dinner = Sex????

If a man buys me dinner/brunch/supper, am I required to dance the sheet tango? Do they think that I do not respect myself to the point that I am willing to give of myself for a $50 meal? Or is it that they see the women of today as low maintenance? Or is that women are not requiring the men in their lives to respect them?

Its sad to think that in this day and age, we are still of the mindset that a meal equates to an automatic phuck! As forward thinking as I want to believe that WE, as men and women have come, I am still of the belief and mindset that if a woman sleeps with a man on the first date, he is not going to respect her. Let me rephrase that, some men MAY, I say may be able to see past her "eagerness" or "willingness" to sleep with him as two people caught up in the moment, but some wont. They will see her as a loose woman that probably sleeps with everyone.

I remember a friend saying to me, "that when a man hears a woman say "I don't usually do this" or "I've never done this before" that the man automatically knows that that isn't the first time she has said that and that he isn't the first man she has done "that/this" with. Is that a fair assessment of women? Maybe, maybe not. Sometimes women are truly doing something for the first time with a man. Sometimes they aren't.

So is it right for some people to feel that if they spend money on you that you have to sleep with them? Some women feel obligated, and I have heard them say that they feel obligated to sleep with him because he did A, B, or C...wereas I feel that if a woman chooses to sleep with him then so be it, but don't equate that sexual session with a match made in heaven. He has what he wanted...he just bided his time to see how long it would take before you broke.

Dinner does not equal sex...what do you think?



Anonymous said…
No Sass,
Dinner does not equal sex! However a lot of us are all about the GAME and I think that we (ALL) know the rules! =) This topic for me is pretty much a toss up because a good date to me is all in what the two of you make it. You can take a woman to to best spot ever and spend all kinds of money on her, but she knows from the time that you pick her up whether she is going to get with you at the end of the date or not! I think Chris Rock said it best a few years back that all we have to do is "not say the wrong *&#$(@ thing" and the odds will greatly be in our favor during the final hours of a good date! LOL _________To me, anybody that says that they felt "obligated" to sleep with somebody because of a great date is LYING! Unless somebody is sticking a gun to your head in which most States in the US would interpret that as RAPE!, then you are going to sleep with somebody because YOU WANTED TOO! Please don't put that on us Men! We are already guilty of enough crap....and also like most women, we also know if we want to hit it one time or stay with you for a lifetime once we do get a chance to tap-in! So, NO we don't think that you Sistah's are any "faster" or more in inclined to be "loose" than anything else on this planet..

Peace & Love,

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