Dear SassyScribe,
I came across your blog and I wanted you to know that I love it.
I have a problem and I want your help. I have learned that I do not trust men. Its like I am always waiting for the other shoe to drop in any situation. I don't care if I am meeting a man, I automatically expect him to not be entirely truthful. When I am in a full fleged relationship I think at some point he is lying to me. I read between the lines all the time even when there isn not need to.
I don't want to be like this but I think I may have lost alot of men because of my distrust of men.
Can you help me or point me in the right direction.
Trust is my issue
Nashville, TN
Dear Trust Is My Issue:
First I want to thank you and I hope I can continue to keep you as a valued reader. Please share the blog with your friends.
I have a confession as well. I too at one time had major trust issues with men because someone very close to me cheated. And I said if that person could cheat then anyone could. I took me years to realize that all men are not the same. Although I did not seek counseling, I strongly recommend it.
Seeking professional help will most likely reveal issues that you may or may not have in your life. Is your father in your life? If not, is there another male role model, or if so have the aforementioned cheated on the women in your life. See there are underlying factors to your lack of trust and the best way to find out is through professional help.
Thanks for writing and good luck!
Saundra aka SassyScribe