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Women and Ego's

I've been thinking about this topic for a long, long time. Basically, it comes down to something a friend of mine said to me a while back. "Your ego continues to amaze me!" Now that wasn't said with love, rather it was said with disdain, disgust, and doom. I found it to be funny at the time because the incident surrounding his statement, made him realize that it wasn't always about him. Up to that point, it was always about HIM. I put myself second to his wants, needs, and desires.

However, as I sit back and discect that statement, I have to realize that its not always about ME, althought it is about ME. Its about me because I am the only ME that I one is going to worry nor care about ME the way that I do. Well, at least I haven't met anyone that cares about me as I do, to date. By caring, I'm not just talking about the physical, I mean the mental, emotional, and spiritual ME.

In a discussion with a friend of mine, he stated that women seem to think that their (women in general) bodies are more precious than his (a man's) body. He said stated basically what I stated, that its all about HIM and that his body is just as special to him, because no one was going to worry nor care for his body as he does.

Now, as we continued with this conversation, he went on to say, that women cannot handle it mentally and emotionally when they "offer" themselves up so to speak sexually, and a man turns them down. They automatically think that the man must be gay. I talked to some other male friends of mine and asked them about women and ego and they all felt the same. That women couldn't handle the truth of that statement.

It was stated that not all women have the ability to get a man aroused and to keep him that way. But once he is aroused, then what? What is the next step and/or phase that a woman must do to maintain that arousal? Is it a physical aspect or a mental ascpect? For some men it is the physical appearance of a woman, while for others its a combination of both. Does she stimulate his mind as well as his body? Is it important as a woman to have a man struggling with his upper and lower self. Can his upper self control his lower self, and keep his baser thoughts and feelings at a minimum, or does the lower self take over and he just "goes for what he knows".

"Mental outweighs the physical when it comes to sex. The more this man mentally desires you the more passionate he is physically. "

What I have witnessed with women is that too many of my gender are equating sex with love. Sex is not love it is a mutual agreement between two consenting adults to enjoy in a mutually gratifying entanglement. Whether or not this entanglement is a long lasting one or an occassional one is the key. Once a woman gives herself to a man, it is important for her that he calls her the next day. The issue of whether or not he thinks she is easy, a slut, or a whore is all mute, so long as that man calls her back. Its the call back that women want a friend told me. All of the other stuff goes out of the window for most women if that man calls her back. But here is the thing, whether or not you gave him some the first night or the twentieth night, if he wasn't going to call he wasn't going to call. It was never his intention to call you back...ever. His one and only goal was to get l a i d! You just so happened to be the target at that time...yes, its a sad but true statement.

Making love is an act of two individuals coming together on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. This act is an expression of that love. It is more intense and gratifying than any other act of self expression. More gratifying than S E X. Instead of always having sex with a man, find someone that you love, and express that love through the art of love making.

So ladies, I say, when you give that man the go ahead to move forward physically, just note and remember that if he doesn't take you up on your offer. That man is not gay, he's just not that into you.



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