Should you have sex with an ex? What are the pros & cons to having sex with an ex? Why do so many people have sex with their exes? For some sexing the ex is totally tabu ...after all, they are your ex for a reason. right? I've heard some people say that some of their best sex have been with their that really true or is it good because of the familiarity? Afterall, you may have been together for a while and it does take some getting used to a new partner...not saying it can't be done, but the ex knows you...he/she knows how you like to be touched, kissed, licked, carressed...stroked! Isn't easier to just go back to the known sometimes as opposed to exploring the unknown? I can think of a few pros and cons... Pro's : There are no expectations from either party other than to have a good time by engaging in unadulterated, steamy, sweaty, hot butt nekked sex. They are familiar with your body, they know what makes you tic! Curiosity- can he/she still take you the...