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What is F R I E N D S H I P...

I have been pondering this recently...especially in the male/female realm. Is there a difference between being a friend and having a friend? Loving a friend and being in love with a friend, wanting a friend and needing a friend...I know that there are only a handful of people that I consider true friends and only one of them is a male the others are female...I know without a doubt that when I call they will answer...if I need them, they are there...

I feel that friendships are interpersonal relationships of mutual affection, knowledge, and esteem. A friend is there for good times and bad times, with similar tastes and at times can show a loyalty, that for some may seem alturistic. In fact there is a value that should be placed on the desire to see your friend do understanding, and that straightforward honesty that you know only a true friend can and will say, even if at the time it hurts your feelings...but a true friend tells you the TRUTH out of love rather than hate and jealousy.

Like it or not, there are varying levels of friendship...

Aquaintances - someone you may know on a professional level...surface only
Friends with Benefits - an understanding of a sexual relationship with no committment
Romantic Friendships - close yet non sexual between friends...may even share a bed
Platonic Friendships - a mutual respect between male & female friends
Romantic Love - intimate sexual relationship between two people...exiting and passionate
Spiritual - connecting with another on a higher level
Open Relationships - friends are able to take other partners, usually in a sexual manner
Internet Friendships - bonding via blogs/vlogs, message boards, chat rooms & forums

A friend is someone that can bring you joy, help you through the pain, and share in your laughter and just makes your day better...knowing that they are your friend.

A friend is someone you can tell SOME [I didn't say all] of your inner most wishes, hopes, joys, and sorrows, and know that they will have your back...

A friend is someone that you don't take for granted...and should be appreciated

Friendships shouldn't be onesided relationships, where one person is constantly giving and the other one is forever taking? IMO this is selfish

Here are some questions that come to my mind:

Should you cross the friendship line by initiating a sexual relationship?

Is the sex more important than the friendship?

What happens when a romantic friendship turns into a romantic love by one of the you continue that friendship or do you leave the friendship entirely?

What do you feel connotes a true friendship?

What does being a friend mean to you?

Are friendship and love intertwined?



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