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BullShyt Azz Men...

Fellas...ladies are tired of bullshyt ass know...fellas we understand, and recognize that sometimes we (women) are not completely honest at times when it comes to what they want and are looking for in a relationship. We understand that sometimes we tell you we don't want a relationship when deep down some of us are craving to be in a relationship so they can share their "my man" stories. Some want to be in a relationship, to stem off loniliness and the feeling of being an old maid or spinster, while others just want a regular sex parnter...not viable reasons to me, but to each his own...however, lets talk about the MEN.

Alot of men aren't honest either, and at times it seems the only thing they are honest about is phucking, when can they phuck, if they can phuck, and will they phuck. Is she fine, is she phat, how good does she look...thats honesty...An old wives tale says that the first thing that comes out of a mans mouth is the lie, everything after that is the truth...
A recent email asked me "Why is it that men think they can dress up their words by saying they want to be friends, tell you they aren't interested in sexing you, then try to flip the script by saying "if it happens that wouldn't be a bad thing" when you're not in the market for a sex buddy?" Alot of times women fall for the same dumb bullshyt ass lines from men and wonder why they got got...some men have the sorriest pick up lines, but all it takes is 1 of my gender to say yes and thats it...thats why that man said what he said, because he has said it before and guess what, it worked! That same woman who told him the samething the reader stated eventually got worn down like water on a rock and I know as soon as he hit, that was it...thankfully the reader went on to say that once she told the man she wasn't in the mood for a sex buddy she stopped communication with him to show him she was serious. That right there is what a strong woman that knows herself will do...keep it insecure sister is bait for those brothers out there that are sharks searching for prey...

Fellas even my plus size sisters have chimed in to say that men have negative and or preconcieved thoughts when it comes to plus size women. One woman stated that she acts like his girl, by cooking, cleaning, and even giving him sex, but has to hear throught the grapevine that he took someone else to the party. Or the sister who writes in and says all she does is suck him off, and that he never asks her to go any place with him. Yeah, I know what its the womans fault for continuing in the vane that they are, and I know, that these aren't ideal scenarios but these are the ones that come to mind. Women say that some brothers act if they ought to be flattered that the brother deemed it necessary to even talk to them or "stept to them" about arrogance. They think big girls are desperate when it comes to getting/dating/acquiring men. I agree that not all men are into big girls and that is there absolute right, but be honest in knowing that if you know you can't deal with a big girl then don't use them. And in the scenarios that I just descibed the women are being used, but its not just with big girls, there are alot of women being used and there are too many men knowingly and actively seeking to use, abuse, and confuse women.

What pisses me off the most is that the same men that spout women aren't honest are the sames ones not completely honest themselves...if you know that you don't want a relationship, and you get the feeling that she does, be honest and tell her, then leave her alone....immediately. No you are not responsible for what women feel, but you are responsible when you know it and continue to allow her to "bask in your world" and making you a priority in her life when she isn't even an option for you.

Ladies...I know that you're fed up, but you have to take on the responsibility of weeding out the bullshyt ass men and the best way to do that is to stop bullshyting yourself...the same goes for men, stop telling women what you think they want to hear...and tell them what you really feel, they either agree or disagree but as men are always spouting honesty is the key...



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