How important is size? Does size matter? The girls and I were talking and one of the females we were talking to said she asked God to send her a with a large penis. We told her to ask God to send her a good man, and hope that that good man has a large penis. Another said, "No just so long as he is a good man and has a large something, it doesn't have to be a penis, it could be a wallet, house, whatever, but do not just concentrate on a large penis." Personally, I like a big and tall man...there is something about a man that stands 6' or better and weighs 230lbs (or better), that just does something to me. I stand up and at attention, because I am thinking that he has got to have it going on...penis size, usually they do. Don't get it twisted, all tall men are not built equally, their bodies aren't "congruent"... sometimes you see a 6'4" 245lb man and you think DAYUM, then when the clothes come off he is working with a 4" penis then the...