When it comes to power in relationships…whose in charge? Is
there one person with more control and/or say than the other? Is it the person
with the most money? Is the most educated in the relationship? Or does it come
down to traditional roles of the Man is the head of the household and the woman
is his second in command?
What are these rules to relationships that I am beginning to
see where the word ‘submit’ becomes like an F bomb. I have seen so called strong women, or women
who I know to be decisive, articulate, determined, forward in thought, word,
and deed, become tongued-tied and meek, when it comes to decisions within their
It makes me say “I will be single forever.” Don’t get me
wrong, I understand the need for working with your mate and compromising, but
here lately, I have seen married women who cannot make their own doctors
appointments. I know married women who cannot make a family decision about a
vacation. To that, I know women who have made family decisions and had to
recant said decision after the husband has negated her word. In other words, I
have seen that he who holds the most money is the one in charge.
Is that why financially secure women tout their
independence? Is this the reason why the fast majority of women are single? Are
they too determined and outspoken? Are they unwilling to compromise, or are
they just too convicted by their own principles?
What are your thoughts? Who holds the power in a
Saundra aka SassyScribe