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The “Jiggly Bits” – Love Plus Size Style

Just Wright the new romantic comedy starring the divinely voluptuous Dana Owens aka Queen Latifah and rapper turned actor Common are explosive on the scene and have amazing chemistry. What turns into a chance meeting at a gas station leads to love but not with the one with the jiggly-bits, rather the stunningly beautiful best friend, played by Paula Patton (wife of R & B crooner Robin Thicke).

This movie hits home to what some voluptuous women have had to deal with most of their lives…the skinny one got the guy. Or as they said in the movie “the girl who was supposed to get the guy did.

The landscape of single, plus size African American women is just as large (no pun intended) if not more-so than the landscape of single, professional, black women. Society however states that in order for a woman to be beautiful and a great catch, she has to have a size 2 body. She has to be somewhat shallow and superficial and it matters not, so long as she is an arm charm. It’s seen daily in the African American community as the star athelete or celebrity does not marry and/or date those that look to be average Black women. These women are tall and stunningly beautiful, and on the surface appear to be superficial. It is cliché to say, but ‘real women have curves’ and Queen Latifah is the perfect example of that. There is a line in the movie where she states “I’m not one of those salad eating chicks” and you laugh, because you see women basically starving themselves to fit into a mold that maybe their bodies don’t fit into.

I applaud the movie, for just that. There is no tried and true rule when it comes to love, but it shows how a man went beyond the physical appearance of perceived outer beauty and delved below the surface to the beauty within. That is not to say that plus size women are not physically beautiful, they are, yet because of society’s standard of beauty, they do not get the love and recognition that they deserve.

Saundra aka SassyScribe


Lisa Metcalf said…
I have been plus size 2x almost all my life. I was teased as a kid and spent a great deal of time alone. In 1981 I met my husband-to-be at a movie concession stand. Unknown to us we were both going to see the same movie. By chance we also walked out together when it was over and started up a conversation about our own review. Nearly 2 hours later at a diner drinking coffee we found ourselves totally engaged in each others interior beauty. The movie was Endless Love and it still continues to be!
SassyScribe said…

That is quite a love story...and I am a plus size woman myself, so watching this movie was kind of like "we won" in a sense, because Hollywood as deemed anything over a size 2 as plus size!!! Crazy...because whenever I go to a store there is nothing on the rack but extra small and small all other sizes are sold out...
This is so true:

"you see women basically starving themselves to fit into a mold that maybe their bodies don’t fit into."

Being true to your own body is important, we should be celebrating our differences instead of trying to fit someone else's mold.

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