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When Does The Condom Come Off?

In light of the recent events between Rihanna and Chris Brown, I felt this needs to be discussed. Allegedly Chris contracted herpes from Rihanna and this is the reason his camp gave for his physical abuse towards her...

I am not saying that what he did was right, because I do not advocate a man hitting a woman, however, if I were in his shoes, I would be upset as well, and most likely physically violent..afterall, herpes is something you live with forever. Maybe she is the only woman he has been with, who knows, or maybe one of his groupies gave it to him...not sure, but because of this and the fact that OUR community has the highest rates of STD's and HIV/AIDS cases...

There are still supposedly grown men and women who are still in this "he/she looks clean" type of thing, as if their eyes can scan their bodies like Superman with the infared powers and see diseased cells within a person's body...NOT!

So does the condom come off after 3 months, 6 months, a year...after marriage? What? What is the time frame for folks to have that conversation?

Personally, I would say after any/all test have been taken...and even then I would be hesitant...but since our community is apparently rife with STD's I have to ask...



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