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10 0-974-5486-2-6
Diandra Pierce pulled her husband to her and traced his lips with her tongue all the while savoring the feel of his lips on hers and her love for him shining from the depths of her soul. After all, what women wouldn’t shine when they have just married the man of their dreams at the hottest, most ghetto-fabulous wedding EVER!

When the limo came to a stop they frantically tried to fix their clothes before the driver opened the door. Slightly disheveled Diandra exits the car when something to the right; caught her eye causing the blood to drain from her face. What was he doing at her reception? Why after the wedding of her dreams did his presence stand to make her reception the nightmare of her life?

Saundra E. Harris’ best selling and awarding winning debut novel THE PARTY introduced you to five women whose partying spirit and drama filled lives only solidified their inseparable bond. But it’s a new year and the girls are finally doing the right thing….or are they?
Available April 2009
ISBN: 13 978- 0-974-5486-2-6
ISBN: 10 0-974-5486-2-6


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