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God Gave Up On Us...

How many single, eligible women feel that God has given up on them because He hasn’t sent a person into their lives or they believe He has sent the wrong person into their lives.

In Tyler Perry’s movie WHY DID I GET MARRIED, Jill Scott’s character made this statement. We all know that Jill is a plus size woman, but for the movie she had to put on a “fat” suit to give her body more girth, which was understandable in the end. She felt that God had placed her in a marriage with a man that didn’t love her, didn’t like her, didn’t desire her, and just didn’t want her anymore. When he was done, he discarded her like a piece of trash, taking with it her self worth, her self esteem, self love, and self respect. His negative words ripped through her soul and tore through what little bit of her there was left. And then along came THE SHERIFF, who saw this woman for the beautiful, kind and loving person that she was, regardless of her size. However, through all that she went through, she was able to SEE this man for the wonderful man that he was…kind, loving, honest, strong, supportive, caring, and strong.

That part of the movie got to me thinking about the letters I get and the conference calls that I do and although some women don’t say it aloud…I wonder…do some women feel as though God has given up on them? Do you really think its God, fate, or is it the fact that women keep the wrong man around for so long, that it is hard for them to recognize a good man (and his money has nothing to do with it) when he presents himself. Can/Do they have the proper sense of discernment to notice A that the man they have isn’t worth a grain of salt, character wise and B do they really truly understand what the recipe of a good man is?

Let’s face it, the ratio is 22:1 maybe higher in the DC/MD/VA area, go to places like NY/NJ, ATL, MIA…and its gets higher and I see so many women holding on to half of a man it makes me wonder…are they holding on because they feel this is it…its time to settle, I’m getting older, and I am afraid to be alone…that half of a man is better than no man at all and I need to stick with what I have, because let’s face it “Gurl, I think God gave up on me.”

Do you feel that some women believe that God has given up on them…that the reason most of them are single and not dating because they just gave up and got tired or are they holding on hoping that he hasn’t?



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