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What Is Freaky To You?

The last blog about black women not being as freaky as women of other races has prompted numerous responses directly to me and the vote is split. Half of the brothers are saying that it is absolutely correct that black women aren't as freaky for fear of being called a "freak". The other half of the men are saying that that was one brothers excuse for his preference in dating women of other races AND that they have had wonderfully freaky experiences with numerous sisters.

They did have one caveat attached to the latter statement, and that is that the women trusted them to let it all hang out and that they (the men) were able to pull that freak out of her.
It seems from the responses that some men love it when women will allow them to "have their way with them" from jump! I mean what is more of an aphrodisiac than control! But the extreme to me is not so much as having a one night stand, that seems to de riguer today, but to have a one nite stand and allow him to have his way, you just met and don't really truly know him...Now maybe its me, because I find that situation truly strange. There is no man out here that I would even deem to trust implicitly like that from the beginning.

Letting the freak all out means a COMPLETE & TOTAL RELEASE of ones inhibitions. As a friend of mine stated, "I want sweat all over the walls when I'm done! If the woman is not letting herself go with me, even a little bit, then she can guran-damn-tee that that will be the last time she sees me. A release of inhibitions is not hard to do, especially when there is trust involved." What he is saying is correct, but I told him ---you have to earn the trust...its not given from day one.

With the onslaught of responses, I had to know what were we meaning when we say the word "freaky". I'm sorry that I didn't ask him the same question on Friday night when I had the chance, but I really would like to know what is freaky? "Freaky" carries so many definitions as it varies from person to person. Some may think its freaky to give your man head while riding in a car up/down I-95...some may thinks its freaky to do it outside bent over a tree in a buck position...some may even think it strange and/or freaky if one was to indulge in a menage a trois...none of these to me are freaky at all, rather I think its just varying ways in which individuals spice up their sex life. Personally, anything that gives me total control over a brother and can make him "beside" himself for a moment out of time is good for me. Now is that freaky, no, its my preference.

Here is what I think is freaky-

Freaky is blowing a man, catching his essence in your mouth, then kissing him...AT his request!

That statement cracks me up all the time, because I think that is freaky, the person who said it doesn' I'd like to know...

What is freaky to you?



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