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Black Women Aren't Freaky...WTF???

Is it true that Black Women aren't as freaky as women of other races?

A situation occured this weekend where a gentlemen said he preferred women of other races because they are more open sexually than Black women! For me, that statement was like him throwing down the gauntlet!

How dare he make a blanket statement like that to say that black women aren't as open sexually! (You must not know about me...were my thoughts) What he really meant was that black women aren't as freaky as women of other races! Which is a gross generalization and just plain (IMO) F A L S E!

That man's preference for dating are women of other races...his statement was his excuse as to why he prefers them...bottom line is he likes to get his freak on...that is what he should've said and left it at that!

I can't speak for all women (regardless of race) but as a Black woman I am just as open sexually, just as freaky as women of other races...the issue is that I am not open and as freaky with every one. I know that with the right man, the right chemistry, the right amount of "feeling him" that (I) woman will do flips, handstands, backhands, swing from the chandelier if she wishes!

Black men know exactly what it is I'm talking about...hell, they can all look back in their past and remember that nasty ass freaky woman that was down for whatever, whenever, however, and whereever...that's because he was able to pull the freak out of her! That's because she was feeling him enough to be freaky with!!!!

But I am but a mere black woman...I'd want to know how the brothers feel about this...are we or are we not as freaky???



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