Some of these solutions will violate alot of civil and certain inaliable rights that we all take for granted...but I don't care! Again these are my opinions and before you blast me, remember, Opinions are Like Assholes, everyone has one!
Radical Solution #1
Enforced Sterilization - this is to stem those whom enjoy living off of the system by continuing to have multiple children, by multiple men, that they know they cannot afford. For women it would be a tubal ligation, and for men a vasectomy.
Radical Solution #2
Parental Restitution - if the parents had to pay for all of the stupid actions of their children, then I believe that alot of stuff would end. No you can't watch your child 24/7, but if you had to pay, say out of pocket for damages caused by your child, then I think after the major beat down that that child (at least my child would receive one for messing with my money) got for phucking YOUR hard earned money up, then I think parents would keep a closer eye on Little Malik...its just a thought.
Radical Solution #3
Parental Incarceration - hey if parents were to get locked up for the dumb shit Little Malik does, then maybe that would stop alot of bullshit going on...again its just a thought...LOL
Like I said, what I have here are 3 radical solutions, that take away your rights...because of the actions of others. Doesn't sound fair does it? No, but then half the shit folks do now isn't fair...its not fair that eleven year old Malik was sitting in his house minding his business when a stray bullet struck killing him instantly. Not his fault...after all his parents didn't plan better to get him in a better living situation now did they. No its not his fault that his momma chose the wrong man...or that daddy chose the wrong woman...nope, not the childs fault at all, he is unfortunately, a victim of circumstances and of his surroundings...
Please feel free to post your radical solutions...I accept all comments, so long as your not trying to murder anyone...yes, its sensorship, but it is my blog!
Radical Solution #1
Enforced Sterilization - this is to stem those whom enjoy living off of the system by continuing to have multiple children, by multiple men, that they know they cannot afford. For women it would be a tubal ligation, and for men a vasectomy.
Radical Solution #2
Parental Restitution - if the parents had to pay for all of the stupid actions of their children, then I believe that alot of stuff would end. No you can't watch your child 24/7, but if you had to pay, say out of pocket for damages caused by your child, then I think after the major beat down that that child (at least my child would receive one for messing with my money) got for phucking YOUR hard earned money up, then I think parents would keep a closer eye on Little Malik...its just a thought.
Radical Solution #3
Parental Incarceration - hey if parents were to get locked up for the dumb shit Little Malik does, then maybe that would stop alot of bullshit going on...again its just a thought...LOL
Like I said, what I have here are 3 radical solutions, that take away your rights...because of the actions of others. Doesn't sound fair does it? No, but then half the shit folks do now isn't fair...its not fair that eleven year old Malik was sitting in his house minding his business when a stray bullet struck killing him instantly. Not his fault...after all his parents didn't plan better to get him in a better living situation now did they. No its not his fault that his momma chose the wrong man...or that daddy chose the wrong woman...nope, not the childs fault at all, he is unfortunately, a victim of circumstances and of his surroundings...
Please feel free to post your radical solutions...I accept all comments, so long as your not trying to murder anyone...yes, its sensorship, but it is my blog!