I have been sitting here, thinking about sex as I do most days, and this thought popped into my head...
Is Oral Sex - Sex? If there is no penetration of the vaginal cavity and all you do or have done is oral sex...is it sex? It makes me think of former President Clinton when he said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" well in a sense, isn't he right...she performed oral sex on him...he did not penetrate her at all. So did they have sex or were they just fooling around?
I'm just asking because a friend said if he isn't in a womans "hot box" then he didn't have sex...another friend said "eatin' ain't cheatin"...it makes me go hmmmm so please...leave your comment's and thoughts...
Is Oral Sex - Sex? If there is no penetration of the vaginal cavity and all you do or have done is oral sex...is it sex? It makes me think of former President Clinton when he said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" well in a sense, isn't he right...she performed oral sex on him...he did not penetrate her at all. So did they have sex or were they just fooling around?
I'm just asking because a friend said if he isn't in a womans "hot box" then he didn't have sex...another friend said "eatin' ain't cheatin"...it makes me go hmmmm so please...leave your comment's and thoughts...
Peace & Love,
I feel what you're saying, however, I am conflicted on this topic. On the one hand, this is a most intimate of acts, more intimate than I think the actual act of penetration is. On the other hand, its just as risky as phucking sans condom...so I don't know, I guess it boils down to each his own...
Where are the women...I want to hear from men and women on this topic.