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Emotionally Tied

Do you think that women are more often than not emotionally tied to a man that they sleep with? I thought about this alot and I had to relate it to my own life. Was I always emotionally tied to the man...hmmmm.

I know that I have to find a certain quality and/or aspect about him- a sense of humor, good looking, educated, sexy, tall, responsible, etc...but they aren't necessarily emotional ties. As hard as it is for some folks to believe, women can sleep with a man without any emotions involved. Its an act of routine maintenance. BUT for some women there feelings are already involved if they sleep with a man and by then its too late. They can't go back to him and say "give me my pussy back", they chock it up as a loss and move on to the next man.

Is this a cyclical situation? Are we (women) at the dawn of 2007 still equating sex with love?

I want to hear from the men...what do yall think...are women emotionally tied before it gets physical?



Anonymous said…
How the hell we going to answer for a woman? We can't tell you if a woman is emotionally tied. We just think that she is or isn't. Only she truely knows...But women have been that way for 2000+ years; why change now.
Anonymous said…
Hello Sassy,
I think that more often than not women are emotionally tied to men once they have sex. I've seen based on my experiences and those of others in my circle that once you let a man (ENTER) You, whether as a one night stand or after a few days/weeks/months of dating, there is definitely some heart strings that are now in the mix! Think about it, you have just let another person into your most vulnerable, precious, charished, secret places that you have in this entire world. Everybody is not necessarily priviledged to experience YOU even if you are a so called ho! You simply can't do everybody even if they wanted to do you! Think about all of the people that you see on a daily basis just out in the cut that you would like to do! You know, just knock 'em down and just move on, and then there are some that you would like to have a relationship with but you are tied to another or just don't feel like initiating the first move or just simply don't want to bother for whatever reason. I'm just saying that somebody else has been up in what you are admiring and YOU HAVEN'T which makes you pretty special to me because I HAVEN'T HAD YOU! LOL I'll be straight with you, I want to experience almost every decent looking woman that I see on a daily basis at least once! That may be part of my freak nature but I am just being real with you! I know that I can't even if the opportunity presents itself because I am married, but that still doesn't mean that I don't want to do it. I just choose not to act. Anyway, remember that unless you have been deemed barren, everytime a man enters your most precious space, you now have the ability to give life which is MAJOR in my book! Anything can happen if God says LET THERE BE LIFE while you are getting Yours! me, the condom WILL BREAK, the barren womb WILL OPEN, the man that has been fixed WILL HIT A HOME RUN, you have to be thinking about whether you are going to catch something from that one night stand JIMMY AND ALL!!! You can't tell me that there are no or very little emotional ties from a Sistah that has to consider all of this and SO MUCH MORE before, during and after she gives a brotha the KEYS TO HER KINGDOM...

Peace & Love,
Truth be told, I think that ALL women have some sort of an emotional tie to any man they sleep with unless he is mucho el-horrible. What I feel is interesting is the fact that some men are too. It's like the reversal of a dog theory from the movie, Boomerang.
SassyScribe said…
I posed this question due to a conversation that I had with friends. I do believe that for most of us (nee-women) there is some form of an attachment to that man that will allow us to give of ourselves to them.

And I am not asking the men that comment to have all of the answers, but your input assists me when I do my Grown & Sexy w/Sassy Discussions...thanks again!

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