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Women Are Emotionally Retarded

The topic on women not listening sparked a madddd debate between a friend and I.

I am of the belief that if a woman is interested in a man and that man she is interested in or in lust with doesn't reciprocate her feelings she should move on. She should remove herself from this man and also ensure that he is no longer in her immediate inner circle/core of friends, but rather on the outer fringes of her life. I was told that by my saying this, then I believe that women are emotionally unable to handle rejection and therefore must cast their net out to others hoping that someone else will bite. Rather we (women) should keep this man around as a friend and not involve ourselves with other men, just because the man that the woman is interested in is not interested in her. He went on to liken it to a woman shooting buckshots until she shoots and catches someone.

I went on to state that if women find themselves in this emotional quagmire of a situation with a man whose feelings aren't reciprocal and they find it difficult to remain his friend, then they must go out and meet someone that is going to love them. He said that is a contradiction to my first statement. He says it sounds more ego driven for a woman to be with a man and that by not being with the man she truly wants she'd rather go out and take random dicks by men she cares nothing for. He said in essense that I was saying that if I felt this way, then I think a woman should cast her net until she catches someone, just because she can't have the one she wants. He said, if you want something you need to act like you want it. If you want that man, going out and dating 2 or 3 other men will not help your cause. Nor will not keeping that man as a friend.

I beg to differ...if a man says he doesn't want you and he isn't interested in a relationship, is it wrong for women to turn their interest to a man that is willing and ready for a relationship?
Help me my thinking skewed? Am I 100% ego driven in my thoughts because I think that if a woman wants a companion she should have one...???

SassyScribe needs to know.... :?


Anonymous said…
Hey Sassy,
I think (all) of us have a certain level of emotional retardation to us! LOL I just think back on all of those times when I was into somebody and they didn't have the same feelings and visa vera. I just think it is a part of life that we all must either grow or die from! There are way (too many) people on this earth to be stuck on somebody that is not stuck on you!

Peace & Love,

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