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Do Women Want To Be Lied To?

I was talking to a friend the other day and we were talking about men, women, and relationships. The man stated that women would rather be lied to than hear the truth.

This was based on the premise that if your in a relationship and a man sees another woman that he may be interested in sexually, and if he has the opportunity to have sex with this person, he said that women don't want to hear the truth. They'd rather hear that he is having drinks with the boys, as opposed to hearing that he is about to have sex with another woman. He also said that this can be for women also, that so long as you tell the truth then every thing is cool. He said women as much as they say they can, cannot handle the truth and feel that ignorance is bliss and lies are utopia.

I didn't agree...besides the fact that this act is so totally selfish on both parts, whats the point of a relationship at all. Why not continue to date, and leave it at that...eventually, one or the other is not going to like something and remove themselves from the situation. I think that when you open your relationship up to others, problems are bound to happen, but he said, no. He said women look too much into the other woman, when in fact she is just a hit....more than likely one time. But that's the point, what if she is so good, that he goes back for more? See women think about is she sucking him better than I am, is her body better, etc...they get caught up in the ego trip, rather than saying he is hitting her, but I'm the one that cooks for him, cleans, and I'm the one he takes around his family. The other woman doesn't get the benefits of now, he said again, women don't want the truth, they want to be lied to.

I think that most women want the truth. I know that I'd rather hear the truth than a lie...but then again, I'm not very trusting of people initially anyway. Even if your not, I'm going to assume that your phucking someone now...besides puzzy and azz are a dime a dozen nowadays...its way too easy to get, but its oh so hard to keep.

Another point this person added, was if the two should decide to have sex with other individuals, then they can place stipulations on the acts, such as oral with condoms and dental dam. No frontal vaginal penetration, no anal, etc...or he said the best for both of them would be to invite the woman (not the man) the woman back home...Hey that solves everything doesn't it...again selfish.

So why the need to have a relationship with anyone, if your going to jeapordize it, by some strange? Its pointless, and it totally negates two individuals that are trying to cultivate a healthy and happy lasting relationship. Again, if your thinking along these lines, continue to date...sow those oats, before trying to have something with ONE person.

I think women want the truth? What do you think?



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