Sassy wants to know----What is more important in a relationship, Sexual or Spiritual connection?
I found the viewers answers to be very interesting, as the majority of the viewers said it depends on whether or not the two are having a strictly sexual relationship or if they are looking and/or involved in something deeper.
If it is strictly a sexual relationship, then the sexual connection is more important. If they aren't compatible sexually, then its obvious that the relationship will quickly dissolve.
Yet, if it is a deeper more emotional and spiritual connection then the sexual chemistry will take that connection {should it progress as such} to the next level. This spiritual connection is not the connection one has with their God, but the connection that the two individuals have together. It can come from long talks, walks, emails, the same sense of humor, personalities meshing, the whole 9.
In the past I have had strictly sexual relationships. But I'm older now, I need a deeper, more spiritual connection with my significant other. I have to have intense communication {meaning we must talk about everything and nothing}, and I have to learn and grow from you and with you. I also have to respect and trust you...for without those elements I have nothing, we have nothing, and at that point it is dumbed down to just s e x.
I am interested to hear the views of others. Which do you think is more important in a relationship...a sexual or a spiritual connection???
P.S. After sleeping on this topic, I want to also add, emotional and mental connections...
I found the viewers answers to be very interesting, as the majority of the viewers said it depends on whether or not the two are having a strictly sexual relationship or if they are looking and/or involved in something deeper.
If it is strictly a sexual relationship, then the sexual connection is more important. If they aren't compatible sexually, then its obvious that the relationship will quickly dissolve.
Yet, if it is a deeper more emotional and spiritual connection then the sexual chemistry will take that connection {should it progress as such} to the next level. This spiritual connection is not the connection one has with their God, but the connection that the two individuals have together. It can come from long talks, walks, emails, the same sense of humor, personalities meshing, the whole 9.
In the past I have had strictly sexual relationships. But I'm older now, I need a deeper, more spiritual connection with my significant other. I have to have intense communication {meaning we must talk about everything and nothing}, and I have to learn and grow from you and with you. I also have to respect and trust you...for without those elements I have nothing, we have nothing, and at that point it is dumbed down to just s e x.
I am interested to hear the views of others. Which do you think is more important in a relationship...a sexual or a spiritual connection???
P.S. After sleeping on this topic, I want to also add, emotional and mental connections...