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Okay--My Answers

I took the test and guess what---I scored 409...I am too damned freaky for most! Isn't that special! LOL

I answered those questions honestly and I hope everyone can remain anonymous, but as this is my blog, and I'm all for keeping it real...that is why I posted my score.

So take five minutes out of your day, take the test and leave a comment. I'm interested in what you have to say...




Anonymous said…
well i took the test and found that my score was 300. i guess with the right person i can be comfortable in "my freakness". i enjoyed the test it brought back some pleasant memories and things that i never took the time to consider. that is a mark of a great blog; informative and thought provoking. wow!!!!! xoxoxox
SassyScribe said…
There is nothing better than uninhibited expressions!

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