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20 Years Ago

WOW! Hard to believe that on July 9th of this year I will be celebrating my 20th High School Reunion. I am so physched and geeked out on this, that its crazy. No its not, I'm excited to see old faces with new or not so new should be a blast.

Its going to be in Annapolis at the Sheraton and I am really looking forward to being there. The problem I have is that we are having a problem getting people to respond and/or cough up the dough. Now I am not independently wealthy, nor do I have the families that others have, but I find it hard to believe that they can't find the money for a memorable event such as this. Am I wrong for thinking this? Hell, we are damn near 40-years old---its time for people to get it together. I too have money issues, robbing peter to pay paul, but I budgeted my money so that I could attend this moment in my life.


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