Wassup! Wassup! Wassup everyone! It’s been a very long time since I last wrote ANYTHING remotely resembling a blog and for that I apologize. During my self-imposed, but not really, because I was too busy to catch you all up on what I ‘ve been doing (sorry for the run on, but its kinda how my life has been). So I’m doing radio on an actual radio station (I know, cool right)! Anyway, not to take away from my 7 years on BlogTalkRadio but I being on the air during Prime Time Drive Time – 5pm to 8pm, on Women Talk Radio , Friday’s was such a rush and a thrill for fulfilling a dream. From that show we transitioned to TELEVISION! Yes, you heard me right – television – I am so stoked!. The show is Women Talk Live and it airs Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on LaunchTV on DirectTV! Additionally, I have joined the land of Scoping…that is Periscope – a fun new way of getting Sassyism’s and thoughts out to you! That said, I wanted to get you up to speed on all of m...