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Showing posts from September, 2010

Homosexuality and the Black Church

At one time the cornerstone in the African American community, the black church has morphed into a glamorized bastardization of its former self. Bishop Long in his bathroom shoot to one of the alleged victims With the recent allegations of noted pastor Bishop Eddie Long ( Deliver Me From Adam ) of the 30k member strong, New Birth Missionary Baptist church in Atlanta, GA, is just another example of how the Black Church has exploded from a mom-and-pop shop type of organization, to these mega worship centers that resemble huge corporations. The allegations state that when these men were boys, they were a part of a mentoring program sponsored by the church and headed by the Bishop himself who supposedly seduced them with money and other lavish gifts. This is the ulimate betrayal as these young boys were already in a vunerable state of mind, and if anyone could be trusted it would be a minister. If any organization could be given blind faith, it would be the church. How...

A Good Day to be Black & Sexy

You never know what you will find when you are sitting home trolling the cable guide and that is how I stumbled upon what I call a cult classic! A Good Day to be Black & Sexy a story of black love and sexuality. Comprised of several vignettes- one in particular caught my find out more tune into WSER Sassy Entertainment Radio, Thursday, Sept. 23rd, at 9pm est/ 6pm pst, call in to 646.716.7414 to share your thoughts or join the live chat room at About the Director Dennis Dortch - Filmmaker/ New Media Entrepreneur Long before spinning stories about women loving men, Dortch was collecting memories that hid in his stepfather’s vinyl collection. After a military brat’s tour of the world, Dortch transplanted to Los Angeles to study Recording Arts at Loyola Marymount University to pursue a career as a music producer. A film prerequisite forced him to discover the love of combining music to moving images, leading to the first short,...