Summertime is over and Sassy & Dlyte are back for more love and sexuality talk on WSER Sassy Entertainment Radio™!!! September 2nd Sassy and Dlyte dishes the 411 on their favorite and the sexiest most musicological artist of all time PRINCE ROGERS NELSON with Barbara Rogers Rashid founder of the FloridaNPG Fan club as she shares her recent visit with the Purple One at Paisley Park Studios. September 9th - Tim Alexander Castles Studios Filmaker and director of DIARY OF A TIRED BLACK MAN joins in the discussion on the state of black men and women and relationships. September 16th - When To Give Into Intimacy is it the 3rd date, 3 months, or 6 months...??? Sassy & Dlyte will discuss if and/or when is there a right time to move forward with an intimate relationship. September 23rd - Filmmaker & Director Dennis Dortch visits WSER to discuss his latest movie GOOD DAY TO BE BLACK & SEXY a movie about Black love and sexuality as well as the current state of black relationship...