This morning on the way to work I performed my usual routine of stopping at Starbucks for my morning joe and when I got back into my car, my phone was ringing. Of course I’m a woman with a huge purse so you all know that the phone is in the bottom of the bag and not in the cell phone slot inside. So as I rummage inside for the phone and finally get it, my hand mistakenly hit the answer button…so I say hello and a woman’s voice say’s “hello” so I say hello again and she says who is this…immediately I get offended. Did you or did you not call me???? So I hung up and when I did, I noticed the number was restricted…so I immediately think back to the last few weeks and the number of networking and social events I have attended and dissiminated my card. I have also had some conversations with individuals regarding business…yes the said individuals were and are men…so my immediate thought is “what insecure wife/girlfriend found my card, possibly viewed a bill, and/or simply went through her m...