You know...if there is one thing that I hope gets fixed not just in the Obama adminitration's, but just in general and that is the Welfare System in America. I say that because I don't believe that everyone on welfare really needs be quite frank, I feel that the majority of them are working the system, because its easier than getting a job...hell, busting out baby-after-baby is a that most of them can ill afford to have... The parent's ( I will use that term lightly ) are used to sitting home and collecting a check on the backs of the working poor...why is easier and its the lesser of two evils...I mean who wants to work? Why work when the government will send out a stipend, supplement your rent, utilities, food, and in some cases even daycare...right, now why would a "stay at home mother" need a daycare voucher??? WAIT ...I MUST STOP AND SAY THIS because for those that know me, they know its no secret that I have never planned on being ...