When it comes to shrewdness, manipulation, and political moves, the GOP & the Republican Party wins it hands down! As much as I abhor having to give them credit for anything…I have to give them credit for always being able to pull a rabbit out of their hats and convince the dumb, stupid, ignorant and uninformed American that you can do/be whatever you want so long as you lie, cheat, and steal to do it… because “hey…its okay!” I mean after all, the United States of America was founded by lying, stealing, cheating, and pillaging the first settlers, so why would it not be okay for this mindset to continue hundreds of years late? On Wednesday, Senator John McCain, the Presidential Candidate representing the Republican party took part in what many are calling Karl Rovian tactics. His rash decision to suspend his Presidential campaign is nothing more than political gaming at its best. Why is it, that people do not see it for what this is…his numbers were slipping in the poles and he need...