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Showing posts from June, 2008

No Child Left Behind...Repeal It!!!!

Last night I watched an HBO documentary on Douglass High School in Baltimore, Maryland...and I have to say I cried. The administrative staff is stretched to its academic limits...with several administrators designed to move the school forward and get it back on the right track academically so as not to have the school disbanded, so as not to have the students disbursed to nearby schools, so as not to have the school taken over by the state, they had to get the test scores that have been poor for the last ten years up to par with other schools in the region...I listened and shook my head...this is all due in part of the NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT...a poor example of the worst sort of legislation that always tends to not benefit the urban areas when it comes to schooling...our kids are getting the short end of this stick...but its a three-fold takes the student, both parents (if possible), and the school to have this act repealed...because clearly it is not working. At the tim...

HIDING IN HIP HOP by Terrance Dean

WSER SASSY ENTERTAINMENT RADIO™ Sassy & Dlyte inteview Speaker, Educator, Author, and Hip Hop Head Terrance Dean of the explosive and provocative memoir, Hiding In Hip Hop…On the Down Low in the Entertainment Industry from Music to Hollywood (Simon & Schuster/Atria Books – May 2008). July 3, 2008 @ 9pm EST/6PM PST - set a reminder About The Author A riveting memoir, Terrance Dean’s, Hiding In Hip Hop, uncovers a hidden and well-known unspoken secret. Deep within the confines of Hip-Hop is a prominent gay sub-culture. A world that industry insiders are keenly aware of, but choose to ignore. From the testosterone of men striving to be on top and in control, to the “by any means necessary” bravado in an industry that thrives on power, homosexuality is a reality at nearly every level of Hip-Hop. Hiding In Hip Hop is a heartfelt sojourn of a young man searching for self, love, and sexual identity in the most homophobic places – the black fam...

COUGARS: Older Women Dating Younger Men

June 19th @ 9pm EST/6pm PST - Sassy & Dlyte welcome Valerie Gibson best selling author of COUGAR: AN OLDER WOMANS GUIDE TO DATING YOUNGER MEN, as well as a noted relationship and sex therapist to discuss the pro's and con's of this dating lifestyle. Visit to learn more or to set a reminder for the show. About The Author (taken directly from author's website) Valerie Gibson is a well known and popular Canadian celebrity and was for 12 years the award-winning sex and relationships columnist for the Toronto Sun newspaper, Toronto, Canada. An author, radio and television personality and speaker across Canada and the U.S., Valerie is considered one of North America’s top experts on contemporary love, sex, relationships and dating. She is currently the relationships expert for the new afternoon CBC television lifestyle show Steven and Chris featuring hosts Steven Sabados and Chris Hyndman, the original D...

Baby Mama Drama...

This is an open letter to women that have children by men that already have or will continue to have multilple children with other women. This blog is for those women [white women] that have children with black men and when the situation doesn’t work out, they then want to remove themselves from that man’s life and his family. They begin to instill in their children the ails of being black and what it means to identify themselves as white. They teach the children to hate a part of themselves, their heritage and bit hright. This is a letter about my nephew who has had multiple children by white women, but because the relationship between Mom & Dad did not work out, his family- my family is being made to suffer. My mother, my sisters and most important of all my nephews and nieces who are BROTHER & SISTER , are going to grow up not knowing the love of a sibling. They are going to grow up not knowing, having, feeling, and sharing that love and affection that is special between si...

The Money Therapi$t Marcia is the author of Money Therapist: A Woman's Guide to Creating a Healthy Financial Life (Seal Press). Her enthusiasm, passion and down-to-earth approach inspire her audiences to take action. Marcia has been the featured speaker at numerous conferences, workshops and organizational meetings. Marcia is a member of the National Speaker's Association.

Tattoos: Creative Expression, Fad or Trend

This is more of a rant than anything and it’s based solely on my opinion. So I wish to apologize in advance for those this may offend…. But I absolutely, positively detest tattoos on women! AND when it comes to men I don’t think that sleeving up your arms, calves, kneck, back, or wherever is a good look either. When I see women with the carefully placed rose on their breast just close enough to the areola so that it shows but not really...or the way in which women strategically place a tattoo there and then sit the girls up high and tight (we all know what the girls are) as if it’s attractive or an attribute or adds to her “sexiness”. I don’t think that we (people) think about the changes that our bodies are going to go through as we age and how the tatts will look in 40 or 50 odd years. When you’re skinny and gain weight, so does the tatt…now it’s all big and ugly and distorted looking…like that rose its now a freaking tree trunk on the arm ‘cause the arm has “exploded” in size! The r...