Have you thought about how your relationship with your father has affected your current relationships with men? Are you seeking a father figure, someone to mold you and show you that they love you through patience and guidance? Or rather a bad boy that leads (in your mind) an exciting and exhilerating life---a risk taker that leaves you breathless with excitement? Maybe your safe, and because money was tight growing up you seek a man that can offer you the security and stability that you need knowing that although he may not be what you want emotionally, he is what you need to give you that sense of security. Have you wondered why you interact with men the way in which you do? Do you ever reflect on how your current relationships with men is a direct reflection of your relationship with your father? These questions have been floating in my head for quie some time as I reflect on how my relationship with my own father affects my relationships with men. I have a fantastic and loving rela...