Corretta Scott King, the wife of the late Reverend Doctor Marting Luther King, Jr., quietly crossed over in the early morning of January 31, 2006, she was 78. Ms. King, a Civil Rights Icon in her own right, continued with the fight for equality of the races after the assassination of her late husband. Four days after he was laid to rest, she led 50,000 people with a march in Alabama. She was carried herself with grace and a quiet dignity, and was the epitome of the phrase "behind every good man is a great woman", she continually portrayed that mantra through the years, with her tireless efforts of ensuring the basic human rights for all. In the summer of 2005, she suffered from a mild heartattack and a stroke, of which she never truly recovered. Her legacy, as well as that of her husbands will be missed. They have left a void in society today, where no longer people stand against inequality. They no longer hold sit ins, and boycotts. They don't march and protest. They tal...